Category Archives: Pictures

More Outdoors Pictures, December 22, 2009

My new PC runs on Windows 7 and my old one ran on XP and supported HP Image Zone. However, Windows 7, very clean for a new operating system, does not support Image Zone that I used to scan and file pictures that others sent to me. Yes, I could use a feature of Windows, but why worry with that? All I did was replace my new PC with my old one running, tried and true, XP and now I can scan pictures. All of this is a long way of saying that I haven’t been able to scan pictures for the last four weeks.

During this time folks still have been sending some very good outdoors pictures to me.

David Buck, a Nephew, on the right, bagged this nice one on his lease in Burnet County, the week before Thanksgiving!

Randy Pfaff woke up one morning and looked out of his kitchen window, and lo and behold, there stood a mountain lion! He got this “shot” of it.

Randy also sent me this picture of some “good” rattlers.

Scouting, November 3, 2009

Yesterday was a “no work” day that I devoted to scouting on my place for deer. What a nice morning it was, no wind, forty-five degrees, with a bright blue sky! Walking out to the blind at 5:30 AM, the sky was so illuminated from the moon that I didn’t even use a light and I almost needed sun glasses! I believe every star in our hemisphere was out too! With it so bright and clear, the deer moved at night and I really didn’t expect to see much early in the day.

It was very slow, so slow that I took this “shot” of a male, cardinal.


Soon an, almost fawn, yearling, showed up and started picking up the corn outside of the feeder. He was hesitant to jump on in.
Then the little one started getting nervous and took off for parts unknown and out came, an almost spike.


This one barely had the horns outside of the skin, but he was bigger so he ran off the smaller one.

The eveninAg watch was much of the same. On my way in I jumped several deer and on my way out several. But, nothing came around the tree stand that I was sitting in.

Maybe I’ll sit out on my front porch and see how many I see tonight?

More Outdoors Pictures, October 17, 2009

The two pictures below really “struck” me. They were taken roughly at the same time, one with a scenic mountain view and the other with a foggy, swampy look. Both taken in our great U.S of A! What a great country!

Randy Pfaff, who lives in southern Colorado, sent me this picture of fresh snow on the mountains.

And my Cousin, Kathy Pribble, sent me a picture, taken by her neighbor, of fog rising off of Long Glade Lake, south of Tatum, Texas. She lives on the lake and her boat house is on the left.

Each day, Kathy, Randy and their families are greeted with these wonderful views! Just think, city folks may not know what they are missing!

More Outdoors Pictures, October 9, 2009

Our Kids and Grandkids are neat and they do some neat things! As they get older (they’re still kids, however) their toys get bigger and the rewards they get, get bigger.

Warren Blesh owner of RRR Ranch in Mills County, sent me this picture of his Daughter and the nice black buck that she captured.

She got the buck but needed ten stitches to close up the wound in her forehead. Our Texas women are tough!

Randy Pfaff sent me this picture of one of his son’s and a nice mule deer he just nailed.

Suzanne, one of my Daughter’s, took this picture of Wesley, her boy and I baiting up my hog trap. The bait was successful and I caught a calf! We hurried so much to get it out of the trap that I didn’t take my camera and never thought about taking a picture of the calf in the hog trap!

More Outdoors Pictures, October 5, 2009

Randy Pfaff sent me this picture of a six foot long red snake. What kind of snake is it – a red racer, a red bull snake, or what? It’s a big one and quite perturbed by Randy’s attempt at identification!
Dave Lazor, a friend and softball buddy who moved away from our salubrious climes on the Gulf Coast to the rainy, chilly northwest, Washington, to be exact, sent me this picture of two nice steelheads that he recently caught in the Columbia River.
Several friends sent me these next two pictures are of a Texas Power & Light construction crew near Halletsville, Texas and two surprising finds they encountered inside one of their culverts.
First are seventy-eight, rattle snakes!

And, topping the snakes is an eighteen-foot alligator. This gator is probably seventy or eighty years old! Just think, in my post on April 6, 2009, Poor Planning, I wrote about a supposedly gator free, wade fishing trip that I took on a ranch outside of Halletsville.
Now they tell me!

More Outdoors Pictures, August 15, 2009

Sunday morning at Bible study, Warren Blesh, owner of [RRR Ranch], in Mills County, gave me this picture of five very nice bucks that he “shot” early Saturday. He was in a blind and worked the Stealth Cam manually.
The one on the left is, by far, the best of the group.

The RRR Ranch is a high fence place with outstanding white tails along with a mix of exotics. If you want to bag a real keeper, get in touch with Warren!

James Crumley sent me this picture of a nice kingfish he caught out of Port O’Conner, Texas. This time of year, offshore, the fishing is really good down there and, no, he’s not offering a guide service.

Sunday evening I was getting ready to shut it down when I looked out of our kitchen window and saw a bunch of deer in our newly cut, thirty acre, hay field. Counting them there were eighteen all told, which is a new record for deer all at once!

Not being able to get them to line up for a picture, I “snuck” around and did get this long “shot of a nice buck.

More Outdoors Pictures, July 23, 2009

Warren Blesh, owner of RRR Ranch in Mills County, Texas sent me this picture of a monster buck “caught” by his Stealth Cam. The “shot” was taken at 10:12 PM on July 12 and the temperature was still 90 degrees!

Randy Pfaff sent me this picture of a monster pike attacking a hooked, smaller one. Supposedly the lucky angler landed both fish?

More Outdoors Pictures, June 26, 2009

My friends keep sending me some real neat outdoor pictures so I’ll just keep posting them.

Randy Pfaff sent me this very, very unusual picture of a mountain lion and big horn sheep. The lion had caught up with the sheep and taken a plug out of the sheep’s backside. There was another picture of the lion’s mouth with the sheep meat and fur still intact, but it was past good taste to show it. The sheep was trying its best to escape but both crossed the road when a vehicle smacked both, ending the chase!

Randy also sent me this picture of him holding up two nice bass.


My neighbor, James Crumley, just returned from a fishing trip to Rockport, Texas and sent me this picture of one of his son’s holding up a twenty pound, jackfish. In my opinion, jacks, pound for pound, are the toughest fighters in the Gulf of Mexico!

Clayton Gist trapped another big, bobcat. For the year, this runs his total to three mature ones and two smaller ones. He’s the bobcat champion of Mills County, Texas!

More Outdoors Pictures

My friends keep sending me some neat pictures that they either take, or get on their e-mails. Some are just too good not to post!

James Crumley, one of my neighbors, sent me this picture he took of his son and a twenty-five pound striper they caught at Lake Amistead in early April.


Randy Pfaff sent me this picture of the business end of a rattler. Something to look forward to, any day around here, I’ll run into one of these things.

Randy also sent me this picture of unique, posted sign. It echoes my sentiments!


Randy Straight, an old hunting buddy and former customer, sent me this funny picture of a “covey” of deer bedded down under a trampoline. As is said, “Any port in a storm!”

Springtime In Central Texas

Tuesday morning I had put my turkey decoy out near an above ground water tank and as the sun came up, snapped this picture of the decoy. As the morning passed, I saw a squirrel come up for a drink, but he was to far for a picture.

Noticing a branch move as a cardinal launched itself toward the ground, this fellow lit right next to me and surveyed his realm.

When all was deemed safe, his mate followed suit and both “posed” for this picture.

Still no turkey, but springtime in central Texas is really nice and just being out and seeing the beauty is plenty of reward!