Morning Walk, October 5, 2009

On Saturday the 3rd, we had a half-inch rain, followed by a two inches during the night! No walking on Sunday morning, but Monday, I did get a two-miler in.
Monday morning was cloudy with a heavy, dew as I hurried outside to start my walk and I saw the white first as three does rocketed over my fence, tails high, and into the thick stuff. No pictures since my camera was still in my fanny pack.
County road 408 was muddy, not slushy, as I finished my mile and turned around to head home, then I noticed something small and out of place – a crawdad.
My first impression was that it was an Opelousas Red, but it would be too far from home, so I guessed it was a local “mud bug” having strayed away from a stock tank. With the rocks it looks out of place. Maybe it was just out hunting?
Coming to a curve in the road I noticed animal tracks that weren’t there when I first came by. Maybe a coyote tried to sneak by me?
Closer inspection showed them to be a large dog. The tracks were round and if a coyote, they’d have been more oval.
Last Saturday a neighbor lost three of his hounds. Looks like this one was heading home and snuck past me when I turned the curve.
This was a good walk! I saw some unusual things and I worked up a good sweat!