Many may think that I’m spoiled or else very blessed to be covered up with deer all year. That’s not the case. Right now in Mills County, water is everywhere, acorns cover the ground under our oak trees and deer really have no reason to move around.
Yesterday morning our part of the Texas Hill Country had a heavy dew, almost a sprinkle and as I stepped out for my walk, I thought, Maybe today I’ll get some good pictures, because the last two walks have produced nothing. Walking east on County Rd. 406 for three quarters of a mile the only things stirring were three cows near a stock tank and some goats milling about getting ready for the day’s grazing.
Turning around and heading for home, still nothing and approaching my yard, confusion reigned, deer were running everywhere and I thought, Wait a minute, this is my yard, why all the deer? Trying to snap off a “shot” was as hard as “trying to heard cats”. Snapping off five quick ones with zero results, I was still left with no pictures, only mind pictures of the six deer running around, jumping the fence, tails up, beating a quick retreat out of my yard.
At least walking worked up a good sweat!