
Central Texas is a wonderful place to live! After spending years fighting the humidity in Houston, plus a few years handling the ice storms in Atlanta, not to say the heat of Phoenix, Layla and I were ready for the moderate climes of central Texas. Not too hot and not too cold, not too much rain, with a little snow sprinkled in once every four or five years. Except for the “cedar fever”, hard to beat!

Last year, 2009, we were blessed with over forty-three inches of rain, close to two years of our annual amount. Through February we have received almost nine and a half inches, almost one half of our yearly average. Praise the Lord!

However, there is a problem. This year we have experienced snow, five times. Not a dusting, but accumulations that even stayed on the ground, the last being on Tuesday, the 23rd. The weathermen hit that one on the nose, saying it would begin raining in the early morning hours, then change to snow, with a total of six inches possible. We got more than that, snowing continuously for fourteen hours, completely shutting the area down!

Before lunch I took this picture of the snow pouring down.

Another one of our shooting range and the target almost obscured by the snow.

This one of the garden and the mid morning accumulation.

Layla and I went out to lunch last Tuesday and snapped these pictures of our central Texas                                                        snowstorm.

I’m a sucker for snow and water. It makes the water look black and the lack of color in the woods is neat.

The oak trees, normally an evergreen, are covered with snow.

With the temp hovering around thirty, even the fence had ice on it.

I only have two comments about this weather. One, it looks like I might have to buy a snow shovel. And two, who are we kidding, global warming is a hoax!