It’s here, dove season has opened and Mickey Donahoo and I are welcoming it in again down in San Saba and I’m sure we’ll be banging away at the gray ghosts! Tomorrow, September 2nd I’ll have the story, great shots, great misses and all.
Our targets will be mourning dove, white wings and European collared dove. The last, Europeans, are classed by our State as non game birds and they can be hunted year round and there’s no limit either and we should see a fair amount of them.
Two days this past week the game cams took 2 “shots” of interest and I just had to show both. The first was of a feral pig, the second was of a large buck.
Monday evening, something showed up on the game cam, a hog, or a feral pig and this is the first one we’ve ever seen on the ranch, 10 years with no hogs, but they’ve been reported all around us. Late Saturday afternoon looks like I’ll be sitting in MaMaw’s blind with my .243 hoping the pig comes around again. There must be a hole in the fence somewhere, or else, the pig made a new one, based on the pig showing up, looks like a trip around the fence for me.
Also, on Wednesday morning a new buck showed up at the corner feeder, this one is 4-5 years old, well formed and quickly established his dominance over a young 8 pointer, but I’ll have this story on another post.