In the November 24, 2010. Goldthwaite Eagle, Steve Bridges the Editor said, “I have already had quite a few landowners willing to host Wounded Warriors for a doe and spike hunt in January. We are still in the planning phase. But I am proud of all of the Mills County landowners willing to serve our Country!”
This writer was one of the many to sign up and volunteer to provide a hunt. It will be a nice, post Christmas gift to some of our Wounded Warriors. These troopers have made tremendous, sacrifices, many with horrible wounds and amputations, others with wounds that you can’t see, like PTSD, these sacrifices made for everyone in our Country and this is the least that some of us in Mills County, Texas can do to show our appreciation for them.
The Mills County, Wounded Warrior hunt will be held during the State’s Special Late General Session, January 3-16 and antlerless and spike bucks are the only deer that can be taken. The dates for the hunt haven’t been selected, but this hunt will provide benefits to both the hunters and the landowners; excess game can be harvested while, at the same time, providing good, outdoor recreation for our troopers. It’ll be a win-win for everyone!
Leave a comment and let me know what you think about our Wounded Warrior hunting project. Across the country, who else will hold, or is contemplating, holding one of these?