Turkey Hunting, April 28

Getting back from my senior softball tournament in Baytown, Texas and getting organized around here, Monday afternoon, I decided to try my luck on a Turkey.

Setting up the decoy in a plowed, but not yet planted food plot and waiting for 15 minutes for things to settle down, I began clucking, with no results. An hours worth of calling, produced no big birds, only a couple of surprises.

In early March, I had set up a Deer/Turkey feeder near where I was hunting and had loaded the feeder with a combination of corn and milo. Birds love milo! Soon a lone Dove flew in and lit on a tall branch of a dead mesquite and I snapped this picture. My new camera shipped last Friday and soon, there will be much better detail in the pictures.


Then the Doves started piling in. These were all nesting pairs and the “feed” was on. They swarmed the feeder and, at one time, 16 were on the ground. Just think, if each pair had 9 chicks, that would make 88 Doves come September 1. This spring I have seen several hundred Doves feeding in the cut and plowed, sudan field, behind my house. If we don’t have a bad hail storm, we should have an excellent season opener.

Walking back to my Jeep and looking right into the setting sun, there stood a doe, in the trail, 30 feet in front of me. Fumbling up my camera, while holding my shotgun under my arm, I valiantly tried to take a picture. She looked at me and decided that this big man, with a gun, moving around real funny, may be a threat and trotted of into the thick stuff.

The picture didn’t turn out, too much light, but I can hardly wait for my new one. Maybe tomorrow?