Last Friday morning’s deer hunt, “[The Annual Doe Hunt]”, was exciting, we supplied a needy family with meat for a year, but something was missing. We saw a lot of deer, shot a nice doe, saw two big bucks and I wrote a post about it all, but something was missing. What was missing?
The thing that was missing was video, my camera will take video, but I was frozen on the deer that I saw, they’d spied me, I did turn on the camera, but it automatically turned itself off. Friday morning I needed a cameraman!
What cemented video and the application of it, was an e-mail conversation that I had last week with a representative of VERSUS Country. On Disk Satellite they’re on channel 151 and their show will come on this Friday night, 7:00 PM CST. He even sent me a funny clip by Benny Spies, “[Holiday Merchandise]”. It’s good stuff!
Last Friday night I was able to watch the shows on VERSUS Country because my Grandson’s Team, The Goldthwaite Eagles, State semi-finals playoff game, was Saturday evening. They overwhelmed a huge, Garrison team, 35-7. Garrison was the biggest high school football team that I’ve ever seen! They looked like a college team running on to the field! I’ll get to watch this Friday night’s shows too because Saturday at noon, the Eagles take on Mart for the Class 1A, State championship. Earlier in the season, by a scheduling quirk, the Eagles trailed Mart 23-7 at the half, but came back to beat ‘em 29-27! It should be some game!
Using “You Tube” I can post videos, but that won’t put any meat on the table. Maybe Layla will volunteer to be my cameraman? Maybe for the rest of this season I’ll just try to video the deer? Maybe the big deer knew that I’d punched my buck ticket already?
Yesterday, Mickey and I went out to bag another doe and this was a perfect spot for me to do a video clip of the hunt, however, I forgot the camera!