Since Colonial times, during the Revolution and the War of 1812,which actually was an extension of the Revolution, my forefathers answered their call to arms and served their colony and country. In writing a book about my forefathers, I have uncovered some very interesting facts that follow!
In “Colonial Soldiers Of The South, 1732- 1774”, a Poll dated June 13, 1748, Lewis Saunders, my 6G Grandfather served in the Virginia Militia, in Fairfax County, George Mason’s District (Mason is recognized as the father of our Bill of Rights), in Maj. Lawrence Washington’s Company, in Col. George Washington’s Regiment.
Farther south in the Colony of North Carolina, in what is now Onslow County, on Friday October 24, 1754, Colonel John Starkey’s regiment of foot, met for muster and training at Jonathan Milton’s residence on New River. Since the Spaniards had recently attacked Georgia’s outer islands the troops were formed to meet an expected Spanish invasion. John Brinson was a member of Capt. Thomas Hick’s company. John Jarrott was a member of Capt. Richard Ward’s company. All three of these men, Brinson, Jarrott and Ward, were my paternal, 5G Grandfathers. The Spanish invasion never took place!
William Murrill and Richard Ward, my 5Ggrandfathers and Joseph Sanders, my 4G Grandfather, all served in the Revolutionary War. Murrill was in the North Carolina Militia, Ward was an officer in the North Carolina line and Sanders was a regular trooper in Col. Hogan’s, 7th regiment, North Carolina Continental Line.
William Murrill was involved in several actions during the Revolutionary War. One story was very interesting and has been passed down through the family and recorded in the diary of a 2G Uncle of mine, James Buckner “Buck” Barry, and later copyrighted and published as “Buck Barry, Texas Ranger And Frontiersman”, edited by James K. Greer. This story was in my post on July 4, 2009, “[Skirmish]”.
And finally, during the War of 1812, a 3Ggrandfather, Absolum Presnell, from Onslow County, North Carolina, who had been too young to serve in the Revolution, volunteered and served in the First Regiment of U.S. Volunteers. He signed on as a Private and was discharged with the same rank.
Proudly, my family has served during all of our Country’s conflicts!