My game camera is on the “whack”, the flash isn’t working and the infrared only works sometimes. This week I’ll send it back to the manufacturer in Alabama. Maybe I’ll buy me another one, but I think I’ll be trying another manufacturer?
One of my friends, Paul Nugent, sent me this very, unusual picture taken of the face of Buffalo Bill Damn, near Cody, Wyoming. The pictures show big horn sheep walking across the downstream side of the damn and licking the salt (I hope it’s not leaking) off of it.
My neighbor, James Crumley, sent me this picture of a fishing trip he and his son went on to Rockport, Texas. His son tangled with a big jackfish, or jack crevalle, finally landing it, but breaking his Ugly Stick (sold by the manufacturer as unbreakable). Big jacks will do things like that!
On October 2nd, Ev Sims game camera took this “shot” of a nice Jackson County, Texas buck. Last year on my November 19,2009 post, “[We Got Him]” Ev sent me pictures of a before and after of a real nice buck. We’ll see if he sends one this year too!