- Wednesday morning a neighbor told me that part of my fence along the county road was torn up and it looked every bit like hogs, feral pigs,Sus scrofa, were the culprits.
Checking right away, sure enough, a ten foot piece of the fence was torn up and tracks flooded on to my ranch.
There was no rhyme or reason to the tracks, they fan out, spreading across my place. Wednesday evening, found me sitting up against a mesquite tree, facing the wind, 50 yards away from my torn up fence, but the hogs didn’t show. Some of the tracks headed toward the water trough, where I’ll be sitting the next few evenings. Since water is scarce around here and hogs are mostly nocturnal, this may be my best chance.
There’s not much sign of hog rootings and because of our drought, the ground is like rock, but during deer season we did put the “cleanings” in a trash hole and that evidence is gone now. Hogs have great noses, will eat almost anything and maybe the rotting entrails attracted them?
Having multiple litters each year, the hogs are taking over our State and fixing the fence is a given, but you can rest assured that trap ’em, shoot ’em or whatever, I’ll try to reduce their numbers!