Maybe there’s not a sequel to the old song, but Stumpy and his Texans may write one.
Senior Softball is rated according to age groups; 50-54, 55-59, 60-64 and so on. Within the age groups teams are rated Major Plus, Major, AAA, AA and Recreational. This past weekend The Texans, rated a 70-74, Major team, played in a Senior Softball tournament in Liberty, Missouri, a suburb northeast of K.C., and on the opening day, Thursday, stunk up the place!
If someone saw us play last Thursday, they would rate us off the chart probably as a “Get Together” team. We couldn’t hit, couldn’t field the ball, couldn’t run the bases and should have stayed home! Our opening game was a loss to a team from K.C. that we should have run ruled, but after two innings we were behind 10-0 and they had only hit two balls to the outfield and one of those was a fly, that somehow, was caught. Then we barely beat a weak 65, AA team, but got smashed by a strong 65, AAA team, 33-3. If any pictures were taken, the cameras were smashed!
General Lee once said about Hood’s Texas Brigade as they were charging the Federals and changing the course of the battle of the Wilderness, “Texans always move them”! So, on Friday we regrouped and won two games rather convincingly, and somehow, won our division. We offer one excuse. We were missing three outfielders and two infielders. We made do, but it was painful!
Probably, our next tournament will be in Hot Springs, Arkansas, the end of July. We certainly hope for better results!