A lot of things have been going on this past week, most of them very good!
Normally I’d do “An Update On Brad” because when we visited his doc on Friday, we found out that the bump on his throat was not malignant! It was new scar tissue from the radiation he had 3 years ago. Radiation, like plastic bags, is forever. Because of the good news and to the applause of some onlookers, as we walked down the hall, we did a couple of, “jump in the air and click your heels together, before you hit the ground” maneuvers. We looked kinda’ silly but we were happy!
Around here, and over most of the State, our drought has broken! According to my rain gauge, since Tuesday, the 10th, we have enjoyed 5-1/4 inches of rain. One heavy down pour of over 3 inches that filled the stock tanks and the rest of it a slow, steady, soaking rain! Praise the Lord! He heard our prayers and answered them!
The rain did have a small, not unwelcome, downside. This past Thursday, my Senior Softball team The Texans, were supposed to open our season with a tournament in Georgetown. Georgetown is 60 miles south of Goldthwaite and has been enjoying the drought also, so the rain was a mixed blessing and our tournament was rained out! However, we needed the rain much more that we needed to play softball! We’ll now try to open our season in Irving, in sight of the “old” Cowboy’s stadium, on March 28 and 29.
Spring turkey season opens on April 4, and I had planned to scout out some of my regular haunts, but the rain squelched that. And since it’s warming up quickly, it’s time to start my morning walks again. Finally, the rain has settled the dust and pollen and sinuses in the area, including mine, are clearing up!
We have a lot to be thankful for!