Our young barn swallows have started flying! Three of them ventured out from the nest, flew around a little, then landed in one of our mesquite trees, but two of the little birds hadn’t yet taken the chance.
Sunday afternoon all of them were flying around, but as I posted two days ago, they won’t start catching insects for a few more days. In the picture shot on Sunday afternoon, the little ones are lined up waiting for Mom and Dad to get back with the evenings chow.
Then they moved around a little bit, pushing one of the little fellows to the back.
Monday afternoon there were three still on the nest.
Then there were two.
And Monday night, only one, probably the one that got pushed to the back, remained on the nest. The other four have learned how to hunt for their food, leaving the “runt” by itself.
Now, this morning, there were none. Even the “runt” has cleared the nest!