Praise the Lord, spring starts today!
Heavy rains on Tuesday put a big crimp in my planning for this coming summer. For my garden, it was a black eye pea and spinach, planting day, and got washed out with over an inch of rain. Next “best” planting days are April 4 and 5. Tilling the garden and plowing and fertilizing my spring food plots are out for several more days.
Next project in line is to start cutting and splitting wood for next winter and I’ve got plenty of mesquite and shin oak. Oak burns longer, but I like mesquite best, since it burns hot and clean with very little ash (and I’ve got acres of it). Mesquite is also easier to cut and split.
Other projects awaiting me are to complete the 300 hour scheduled maintenance on my tractor; change the oil and grease my Jeep; perform the spring maintenance check up on my John Deere, lawn mower; service my 2 four-wheelers; sight in the new scope on my .270; practice for my May pigeon shoot; spray along the fence lines, and finish our combat pistol range.
The ranch equipment is lined up awaiting its spring service!
Somehow I have to patch these “must dos” into nurturing my garden and fruit trees; working them into my monthly Senior Softball tournaments and practice schedule along with both salt and fresh water fishing trips, and of course, my blogging.
Thank goodness I don’t have a real job, and thank goodness it’s spring!