Sampling The Beauty

Fall is a beautiful time in our part of west central, Texas, our hill country. The leaves don’t turn on with oranges and reds that make an entire mountain, side explode with color. And, we’re still a month or more away from our first frost, but our mornings in the high 50’s or low 60’s are refreshing, but in the middle of the day in the low 90’s, sweat comes easy and shade is still welcome! Sometimes, while I’m out on my ranch working, I’m reminded of the beauty that is all around us, if we’ll just take the time to appreciate it.


Our prickly pear cactuse , Opuntia engelmanni, the State Cactus of Texas, is blooming now and, you ask, “How could a prickly pear cactus be beautiful?” Easy, just look at the blooms!


These blooms, or tunas, also can be made into great jelly!

Blooming near the prickly pears are some gayfeathers or blazing stars, Liatris spp.These wildflowers are scattered around west and central Texas and give a real contrast to the brown, native prairie, grass.


Our Porta Potty Blind is pictured in the background of some more gayfeathers growing


among some white daisies, Asteraceae.

Back to work! Deer season won’t wait.