Because of my kidney stones, followed by surgery for a cancer on my nose, my last morning walk was on August 25th. My planning had been to start this past Monday but the weather intervened, misting rain, then on Tuesday over three inches of rain, making Wednesday too muddy. However, I was out bright and early yesterday morning!
Our sandy, County roads dry out pretty good, but the heavy dew still made for slick walking, at least, it was quiet walking.
The deer weren’t out, only one fawn, but I’m sure that Momma was close by. It’s pretty late in the year now, but this one still had its spots. At Church this past Sunday a friend told me that coming in from his ranch he had just seen a spotted fawn with two spikes. Strange!
Nothing real exciting yesterday, but our weather is changing and it’ll be dry for the next several days and things should pick up then. After next week my nose will be cleared up and the doc is releasing me to do anything I want. That means softball, hunting and getting ready for deer season, and hopefully, no more limping around!