More Outdoors Pictures,September 3, 2014

This fella’ is 4-1/2 years old and, I suppose he’ll get shot this year!  He’s only 9 points, (only) and definitely a “cull” buck, but I have “raised” him since he was a fawn. He was the buck that got the doe a bigger buck was following that I shot in 2012.  He was the one that was stirring up dust, challenging the big one to a fight, the big one is on the ground on the left of the picture and last he was the one rearing up on his hind legs and getting corn right out of the feeder, but he’ll get shot this year.
Last Thursday as I was walking out of the house, I looked up and four bucks were running across my neighbors field!  Each jumped the fence and crossed the road and came on to my property, but they were masked by the undergrowth and lost to me.  They w