Checking my game camera last Friday, there were two interesting pictures. One, “shot” on the morning of September 21st shows two deer, one walking away and the other, apparently surprised by the flash, looking at the camera. What was funny was the cottontail, rabbit, also surprised!
All last week was bright moonlight so no bucks showed for a “shot”, but just after daylight on Friday morning a spike showed itself outside of the feeder. During our State’s special Youth Hunt, this one will be a target for one of my Grandsons!
Last week Layla sent me an e-mail with a very interesting picture attached. You may know that our State’s Flower is the bluebonnet, but just think about this next time you stray into a bluebonnet patch!
Also last week, I got this “shot” of a writin’ spider with a lot of writin’ on its web. This one was under another eve of the old, ranch house.