To say the least, the game cam on our corn and protein feeder has taken some very interesting “shots”, namely a ring tail cat has been coming around, this one taken on February 21st, shows it just walking off.
Then a “shot” of a cat beside the feeder, just sitting there not doing much of anything. This was a hard one to identify, but because I couldn’t see any tail and because the ears and color look OK, so it must be a bobcat.
This is a “shot” of a bunch of dove, 20 in all, feeding on the corn, anywhere from 5 to 20 come in each day to feed.
Finally, 3 squirrels show up and one’s kinda’ layin’ around enjoying the sun!
With all the doves and squirrels hanging around the feeder, now I see why the bobcats and ringtails are keeping a close eye on it!