The game cams keep clicking away, I probably had 400 “shots” to look through, culling them out and came up with 5 that were different and interesting.
The first “shot” shows a coon walking away from the water trough and I call this one “A Coon In The Afternoon.” Further thought on the “shot” leads me to think that this coon may be rabid, why, because he’s walking away from the water, a rabid animal will not drink water and the game cam would have taken the “shot” if he’d watered. There’s been a warning around here for rabid skunks, but rabies is readily transmitted and just one bite and the coon’s a carrier.
The next “shot” shows a doe that’s really pregnant and will drop the fawn soon. Then 3 doe come to the feeder and, of course, they’re showing too.
Then 2 bucks come by the feeder and their horns are growing, both will be fine bucks this year, one is almost 4, the other is only 3. By hunting season the first buck will be 4-1/2 and huntible, he’ll be scarce then!
Now for the real question, what is this animal? Is it a hog? Is it some kind of a dog? No tail is visible, it doesn’t seem to have much of a coat and from the height of the water trough, it definitely is not a deer. My guess is a young hog, maybe 50 pounds, but it could be a chupacabra?