More Outdoors Pictures, February 15, 2012

While braving the falling snow, yes it does snow in central Texas, I was humming the famous tune, by the renown, composer, Irving Berlin I was thinking up some new lyrics.  Lyrics like I’m, dreaming of a white February 12th or something like that.  Being from Houston, where snow is a rare occurrence, when it snows I want to get out in it, but this snow was wet and had big flakes, so much for braving it.

Sunday afternoon there were near blizzard conditions, but being a “flatlander”, I don’t really know what a blizzard looks like. It got real dark, the snow was blowing and swirling, it looked like a blizzard to me, so I took this pic of the conditions, flash and all!

Having planted onions last week and having just finished tilling the garden last Friday, I got real lucky and took full advantage of the snow and the half-inch of rain.  These 2 pics show the onions and the nearly ready to harvest spinach.  Natural moisture is far better that the drip system seen in both pics, but just having come off a record drought, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Monday morning the storm had passed, the snow had melted and as we were getting ready to drive to Dallas, I got a drink of water, looked up through the big window and to my surprise a nice 10 pointer was running along the fence, not 30 yards from the back porch.  This was a buck I’d not seen before and he was running, chasing after a doe, my camera was in the truck, so just mind pictures of this one.  Some may ask, isn’t it late for bucks chasing doe?  My answer, deer seem to know when conditions don’t favor survival of fawns, conditions like the severe drought we just endured, I say, “Just endured”, because across most of our State, December and January have been very wet months, so breeding may be extended.