Having been away from the writing board this past week, it hasn’t been any fun, it started out Saturday the right way with a dove hunt with Randy, we got 5 birds, but all white wings! Feeling yucky the whole time, the doc finally diagnosed my malady, I was given some pills, told to take them, not to miss one then I would be fine. The wonders of medical science, obviously!
Fall came in with a roar! A 2.5 inch rain storm, a 15 MPH north wind, along with mud, which we hadn’t had any to speak of in over 6 months, now everything is muddy and slick! But, being in drought conditions, we’ll take the mud.
Last night was Goldthwaite’s homecoming and Mikayla showed her colors in a big way. She won the football beau title and to top that off, she won Homecoming Queen, not a bad night. The football team didn’t win though.