In the past, back when there was abundant rain, food plots around here were planted around the first of October, so the clover, rye, oats or forbs would be up and growing by the usual opening of deer season around the second Saturday in November. So holding to this “tale” I planted my 3 small plots on that day. Since then, October 1st, the Lord has blessed our area with rain, a 6 incher and 2 weeks later, with a smaller amount, .2 inches. As this year’s deer season approached, the local newspaper, [The Goldthwaite Eagle] should have posted this headline, “Local Rains Keep Mills County Food Plots Growing”
This picture shows food plot 2. The first shows the plot on October 20th, the second on November 1st. Quite an improvement!
In my last post on “[Food Plots]” on October 20th, I was afraid that I’d have to replant the food plot by the tree stand blind. The first picture shows the plot on October 20th and the second, taken yesterday, shows the clover and forbs that have sprouted up.
And yes, there were deer tracks visible in both plots, meaning the deer have found them.